Offer Research Partnership

Wooden Playing Dice - Printed in Color - Emotion Sharing Games

Profile: Agent - Agent|Ref:PSL 427329YH | Country: France | Export: No


We handcraft wooden dice for sharing emotions with children, seniors, etc ...
Victim of their success, we can no longer take in-house manufacturing and distribution with businesses (mainly toys trade).
#Description of 2 dice to play:
-The first is the sharing of emotions (DDP-E).
-The second is the task sharing (DDP-T).
The 2 dice are currently sold separately (statistics: 10 DDP-E sold versus 8 DDP-T). We have other themes that are sold only through direct contact.
#Technical description of the dice:
Object - De
Material - Wood, clear with a veined aspect
Density -> 0.50 to 15% moisture (light to medium heavy)
Essence - Clear, natural wood
Dimensions in mm - 40x40 to 44x44
Aspect of angles - Rounded, formation of a round in top view
Diameter of the circle - Dimension of the cube less 4mm, round centered on the cube
Finish - Smooth
Appearance - Slightly veined
#Description technical reasons:
Transfer - A different smiley face and color (4 colors see more ideally)
Standard - CE, Toy standard
#Technical description of the finish:
Varnish - Transparent gloss
Standard - CE, Toy standard

What is asked

We are looking for an industrial partner for manufacturing and commercial for distribution on the market.

What is provided

Authorization to use and disseminate topics that are registered templates.

Type d'offre : Offre
Nature du partenariat : Partenariat commercial